BIRNIE HomeSAFE electrician discussing pot light layout with homeowner.
New electrical panel and wiring for basement renovation.
HomeSAFE electrician completing electrical inspection in electrical panel.
BIRNIE HomeSAFE electrician tracing a ground fault with outdoor lighting.
Homeowner's electrical panel before replacement.
Homeowner's electrical panel after replacement.
If you have electrical wiring like this, you have a potential fire hazard and should call us immediately.
Diagram of GFCI outlet.
If your panel has screw in glass fuses (left), it’s time to get it replaced with a new panel (right).
If your home looks like this, you are at a high risk of fire. Let Birnie HomeSAFE add more circuits to your home.
If your home looks like this, you are at a high risk of fire. Let Birnie HomeSAFE add more circuits to your home.
Don't let this happen to you.
Don't let this be you.
Residential electrical installation.
The Dangers of Low-Voltage Shock
Sasha Exeter shares her daughter’s electrical shock story
Every Home Is Alive
Let Decora Smart Light Up Your Life
Use Your Voice with Decora Smart
Date Night with Decora Smart Lighting