Protect Your Home with Schneider's SPDs
You may have a safe home and a new panel, but your power quality is at the mercy of the utility company and Mother Nature. Downed power lines, scheduled maintenance, and lightning are just a few of the things that can cause you to lose power and experience a surge.
What is a surge?
A surge is a momentary spike in voltage that can compromise and destroy the electronic equipment in your home. Spikes can range from 100s-1000s of volts, but damage occurs when the spike is above an appliance’s normal operating voltage.
What causes surges?
A surge can occur inside the house. The most common incidents happen when using heavy duty electrical devices like space heaters, fridges, and air conditioners. Larger surges can be attributed to external factors such as lightning strikes and disturbance due to utility (hydro) companies switching or compromising power lines.
Protect your expensive electronics!
Each year, it is estimated that surges cause $26 billion in lost time, repairs, and equipment.
How is a whole home surge protector installed?

Surge Protection at the Panel
A surge protection device installed in the main panel will divert the initial spike in voltage to ground and away from the electrical system. The device is mounted to the load side of the panel and serves to protect your home against residual external power disturbances and internally generated power surges. It may be externally mounted to the side or bottom of your panel or internally installed as a "surge breaker."

Surge Protection at the Device
Point-of-use surge strips are the last line of defense against surges and protect your sensitive electronics that are plugged into this strip. Keep in mind that a surge protection strip is not to be confused with a power bar, which is essentially an extension cord with extra outlets.
What do we recommend?
HomeSAFE offers Whole Home Surge Protection, a comprehensive system that ensures that all possible entry points are monitored and, subsequently, prevent the occurrence of a surge. All of our devices come with a manufacturer’s guarantee to protect your electronics downstream, up to a certain dollar value (based on the type installed). We do not require the power to be shut down; all that is required is at least two free spaces in your panel.